First and foremost, I got to see lots of the female members of my family- namely my mom, grandma, aunt (Carol) and cousin (Jenna [and she’s growing up so fast!]) It was very nice to see them here in the Midwest, even if it was only for a day.
Guess who else I got to see? Bob and Elizabeth Dole! They came to give a lecture/discussion at KU, and they are a pretty hilarious couple. She would be telling some flowery, glowing story about some historical accomplishment, and Bob would interrupt her and say “Honey, are you ever going to finish this story?”
Unfortunately, my water heater developed a leak and had to be replaced. An expensive replacement. (One could argue that this is the third plumber that shows up in this post).
In other news, faced with the absence of anything more entertaining to do, I let a friend of mine stun me with a stun gun. It was shocking. Actually, it felt more like a cheap massage chair.

And finally, I got to play in a grass volleyball tournament with some friends. Unfortunately, the night before it had rained like crazy. Two of the four courts turned out to be alright, but the other two were fairly gross. But we did win- and a cash prize no less! Here’s a post-game photo at the ugliest court.