Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Episode CLXXX: Lydia May Norris

Lydia May Norris was born one month ago today, on July 18, 2021. Here is a brief photo album of her first month of life.

Week 1

Sweetly sleeping in the hospital

Six pounds, four ounces.

Baby's first cuddles

Big Brother's first look at Baby Sister

Week 2

My parents stayed with us (for weeks!) to take care of Elliot during the delivery, and then to hang out with the new baby.

Baby's first bottle (Lydia is a very good eater)

Week 3

Later, Meg's parents came to visit the growing family.

Week 4

Lydia was born right around the Olympics, so we watched a lot of niche sports together. Here she is practicing her high bar routine. She's pretty strong!

Week 5

Happy One Month Birthday, Lydia!