Sunday, January 06, 2019

Episode CLXIII: Visiting California

As per tradition, we headed west to spend time with family for Christmas, and had a lovely time. Here's the whole Shearer gang at Grandma's (aka GG's) house.

And here's the Norris gang out for a hike. Looks like we're in Utah, right? But we're actually still in Orange County.

Last year  at this time Elliot met his cousin Micaiah for the first time. I posted this picture of them "sharing hands":

Well here they are, one year later, still going strong:

While in California, Micaiah spurred Elliot on to walk, and now Elliot is walking all over the place!

One last picture of Elliot doing two of his favorite things: (1) being a Cool Dude, and (2) chewing on a fresh-cucumber-scented-baby-wipe.

Finally, while we were in California, my brother turned THIRTY! We all sang him this song.