Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Episode CXXXV: Home for the Holidays

We celebrated the holidays (Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's Eve) with family this year. We went to see Meg's parents in Maine for Thanksgiving (where it snowed around half a foot). We then finished up Thanksgiving weekend with a short road-trip to Rhode Island, where, among other things, we brunched in America's oldest tavern (established in 1673!)

For Christmas we visited both sets of families. While in Maine, Meg got her hair cut. While in California, I got my hair cut. Below is the before & after picture:

Some other things we did in California-

We celebrated Brian's birthday:

Ate sushi off giant conveyor belts:

Compared and contrasted new in-laws:

And spent a few hours celebrating the New Year with church friends and family. Right before boarding a plane to return to Boston.