Monday, June 01, 2020

Episode CLXXI: Shelter In Place

The Norris family "sheltered in place" for nearly half of 2020 so far. (As of June, we're partially going back to work/daycare). We got along well enough. Meg and I had plenty of work from home to do, and we switched off morning/afternoon childcare duties. Here's a snapshot of my productivity according to my focused-work tracking app. Note the large peak of productivity coinciding with nap time.

Elliot LOVED hanging out with Mommy and Daddy all day every day. We went on lots of walks outside, and Elliot started a tradition of selecting a vine (weed) to "take on a walk" with us.

One of Elliot's daycare teachers was kind enough to host a weekly Zoom music time, which was a nice way for him to "keep in touch" with his friends. He's now a very proficient Zoom user.

I had a lot of extra free time in the evenings (much less work email!) and thus lots of time to read. Where I usually read around a dozen books in a year, during the pandemic I read a dozen books in two months.

We had to get creative in thinking of fun outings that were properly socially distant. Some of our outings included: a giant hat sculpture...

The grave of Clyde Barrow (of "Bonnie and Clyde" infamy)...

And Dinosaur Valley State Park, where you can stand inside giant dinosaur footprints lying at the bottom of the Paluxy River.

Finally, here is a montage of some of the fun Elliot and I were up to while Mommy was working.