Sunday, September 12, 2021

Episode CLXXXI: Cabin #6

 To celebrate Labor Day, the family took a trip to "Cabin #6" near Glen Rose, Texas.

On the way we stopped in Fort Worth to see the water gardens:

As well as the Fort Worth botanic gardens:

The cabin had a number of important features, including a giant bed for Elliot:

As well as a giant stuffed animal (elk?) on the couch that we befriended. 

The highlight of the trip was a visit to Fossil Rim Wildlife Center, an animal sanctuary that you drive through and animals walk right up to your car. For example, here is an addax (nearly extinct in the wild) just walking alongside us.

Elliot viewing the giraffes

Meg feeding a giraffe from the car window

Meg feeding a giraffe through the moonroof

On Labor Day itself we visited the Paluxy River, at Big Rocks Park. Elliot had a blast.

This was the first Norris Family road trip as a family of four. Both Elliot and Lydia did a great job!

Two good car kids taking a nap
