Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Episode CL: Several Irons in the Fire

After a year or two without any big life events for the two of us, Meg and I are suddenly inundated with excitement. Among our current projects:

- Meg is writing her dissertation, which she will soon defend
- Meg has been interviewing for postdoctoral positions
- Both Meg and I have submitted our final papers from our research at Harvard
- I am preparing to shut down my research at Harvard and send my samples to my new lab
- We are selling our condo in Cambridge
- We are simultaneously buying a house in Dallas

And as if all that wasn't sufficiently exciting:

Meg is pregnant!

It's a boy, and the due date is September 30th. At that point we should be in Dallas already, so I guess we're going to have a Texan child.

More news as it develops.