Sunday, January 07, 2018

Episode CLVI: The Cousins Meet

We brought Elliot back to The OC to see the Norris family, and my sister likewise brought her son, so the cousins got to meet for the first time! They were fast friends. Here they are sharing a couch seat:

Sharing a "hug":


Sharing a hand to suck on:


Sharing both a hug and a hand to suck on?

 Sharing a menu at BJ's Pizza (with Great Grandma): 

Sharing a stimulating conversation:

Sharing a yoga mat:

 And telling a joke:

What else was Elliot up to while we were out in the OC? Well, he was taking skateboarding lessons.

He also sampled some choice Californian coffee.

He joined the Norrises for our annual Christmas Shopping Trip to Goodwill.

Here he is celebrating Christmas with Mommy.

And finally, here he is posing as part of FOUR generations of Norris boys. In fact, as it occurs to me, four generations of Norris eldest sons!