(And Elsewhere)
Of course it was only a matter of time until I had to write about food, and as it turns out, that matter of time was three months.
So I signed up for a KU meal-plan, which gives you a discount when you purchase on-campus meals in bulk. I purchased the cheapest meal-plan, which amounts to about three all-you-care-to-eat meals per week plus a bunch of credits accepted at on-campus food courts.
Mrs. E’s is my all-you-care-to-eat location of choice, because (a) it is by far the best one, and (b) it is the most convenient (as demonstrated in Episode II, it takes only five minutes to walk there). Technically the name of the place is Ekdahl Dining Commons, but I suppose the marketing directors decided that name does not sound particularly appetizing. And they are right. Thus it is called Mrs. E’s, which, although no one has actually seen Mrs. E, we figure the name must stand for “Mrs. Enormous”.
The online advertisement for Mrs. E’s boasts a “stunning” view, and in this case I found the ad to have been right on. The whole dining area features windows from floor to ceiling, and since the building is located at the top of a hill, one can see for miles (particularly beautiful when fall foliage is on display). The above photo is a panoramic picture that I constructed, showing about 270 degrees worth of the dining hall. The additional 90 degrees consists of the actual buffet area. While this picture may give you an idea of what eating there is like, I am afraid it does not do the scenery justice. But please do click on it to get a higher-resolution picture.
I notice that I eat quite a bit at Mrs. E’s, and one day I attempted to quantify exactly how much I ate, so I took photos of all the nutritional information displays, and created the montage seen below, with dots representing items that I ate.
As it turned out, that meal was worth 3,999 calories, consisting of 167g protein, 194g fat, and 484.7g carbohydrates. To give you a frame of reference, the FDA decided that a “normal” diet was either 2,000 or 2,500 calories a day. However, if you were to adjust the FDA’s Daily Value scale to my 3,999 calories, that meal would have given me 149% of my DV of fat and 81% of my DV of carbohydrates. Clearly, then, Mrs. E is putting me on a low-carb diet.
A final note: the most that I have ever gained in one sitting at Mrs. E's (on record, anyway) is 6 pounds.
Like I say, I only eat there around three times a week. Other times I eat at various food courts on campus, and some days I eat very little. One place on campus that you can always count on for excellent food is in the Kansas Union food court, where there is a special-order pasta service, in which you tell the chef exactly how to make your pasta, including the veggies, meats, noodles, sauces, cheeses, spices, etc. It is exquisite. However, it is a treat for me, since the Kansas Union is about a fifteen minute walk, and fifteen minutes of walking in the cold cold cold is not pleasant.
Speaking of eating, our million-dollar-salary football coach weighs like 500 pounds, and the first time I saw him walking on campus, I wondered if he was even able clasp his hands together, due to his prodigious belly. Anyway, the point is, here is my favorite KU football shirt, hanging in a store window.

Speaking of football, KU just beat their rivals (Kansas State) in their final home game of the year, and here is a video of their celebration. It is about 1 MB, so if you have a dial-up connection, it may take a while. Please tell me whether or not it works. Thanks.
They proceeded to take the posts out of the stadium and dump them in the lake.
So am I right in assuming you ate the Chipotle Quesadilla and Vegetable Pasta Toss in the same sitting as the Chicken Portabella Ravioli with Alfredo and Beef Hot Dog?
Or is this a hypothetical composite meal from several sittings?
Let's just say you're eating better than I did at Cal Poly. :-)
I'm surprised you are walking to your dining places...why not ride your fab scooter? Of course, the walk may be doing some good for your food intake! It's good to know you are not fading away from being under fed. After all, you are a growing boy! So good to know you will spending time with friends and family in MO over Thanksgiving. Enjoy your turkey!
Only 6 lbs. in one sitting? Sad. Next time we hang out we gotta get some fish tacos. BTW, the video thing works, but i don't have a dial up, so maybe that doesn't help you. Speaking of college rivalies, as I am prone to do, Ohio St. beat Michigan in what I have been told repeatedly to be "the biggest match up of the year". Needless to say, Brandon was quite upset. Hope you have a great thanksgiving, from one non-california-visiting-for-thanksgiving-to-another. Take care,
Yes, all those items were in the same meal.
No, I do not ride the scooter to Mrs. E's much because the quickest route is a dirt footpath.
Yes I'm sure, Brandi, that you could eat AT LEAST one-half pound of fish tacos. Bring it on.
And my condolences to Brandon for the Michigan state loss. And the Bulls' loss to the Lakers.
We will miss you at Thanksgiving today. In honor of you, I will set up the "missing plate formation" at the table today. I will, however, not fill it with 4,000 calories as someone might complain.
The video is great and the game was greater. A K-State loss is almost as sweet as a KU win and it is magnified when they occur at the same time.
Do they still have the deli on the bottom floor of Wescoe? Back in the early 80's it was good stuff.
hi adam! you're crazy. that is SO MUCH FOOD!!! o and btw we missed u at thanksgiving...at grandma's house we had an extra plate setting so we filled it with all the extra bacon (which was quite a lot without you there to eat it all...) it was rather funny. however, none of us had a camera and were unable to take a picture for you. sorry. :( o well. sounds like you're getting enough food though! hope to see u at christmas!
Wow, two extra plates just for me!!! I feel special.
The bottom floor of Wescoe contains a food court, with sandwiches, wraps, pizza hut, chinese, chick-fil-a, sushi, and salad. I go there often, since my building (Haworth) is close to it.
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