- We arrived at around 11pm. I stayed around the campfire until 4am, when it began to rain. It did not cease to rain, sprinkle, drizzle or at least threaten to precipitate for the remainder of the trip.
- For the first time ever, I went four-wheel-driving in the mud. I was sitting in the bed of the truck, and let me tell you, my t-shirt has some mud stains that may never come out.
- I shot my first firearm! That’s right; it took me just over a year of living in the Midwest before I started shootin’ stuff. We were shooting clay pigeons, and I got one on only my second try!

- I played the only game of pool (as far as I can recall) in which I won without even having to make a single shot.
- During a game of tackle football, one of the guys got his nose broken in half. Not that it came off or anything, it just got seriously broken. He returned from the hospital the next day in good spirits and health.
- On Sunday we took a side-trip to see the house of WWI General John J. Pershing.
- On the way back home we passed through the “home of sliced bread”, and stopped by Maxie, the World’s Largest Goose

Oh the things you will see (and do) in The Middle of Nowhere, MO!
you midwest guys get to have all the fun!
In case anyone cares, it was a semi-automatic 20-gauge shotgun. And it was a lovely one, at that.
Adam, as you may already have learned...ALL of Missouri is the middle of nowhere.
Tyler's theory is that you never get bored with shooting. If you do, you need to buy a new gun or select a new target. He uses anything we are going to throw out. He gets this glazed look in his eyes and asks, 'are you going to throw that out'? He loves to fill milk jugs with water, etc., and see how far the remnants of the object travel. It is probably best that I don't watch him do it!
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