Monday, February 25, 2008

Episode XXXVIII: Film

According to my regular schedule, I should have posted something on Saturday. As it turned out, however, I spent essentially my entire Saturday pursuing cinematic excellence. You see, it was the day before the Oscars, and the AMC movie theater down the highway in Olathe was having this special event where you could watch all five of the Academy Award Best Picture nominees, all in one day, all in a row! And the best part about it was that with the price of admission you got unlimited free popcorn!!!

I daresay, I held up remarkably well, considering that I was sitting for almost twelve hours straight, staring at a large screen and consuming nothing but popcorn and soda. In fact, I probably could have sat and watched another five movies in a row, no problem.

Here, for your viewing pleasure, is a photographic log of my responses to each of the five movies:

#1: Good, enjoyable thriller, but nothing terribly special. One down, four to go. Bring it on!

#2: Wow. Fantastic movie. Brilliant. Powerful. But not all that bloody. Is it possible that there are better movies awaiting me? Or have we reached the climax already? The answers, it turns out, are no and yes, respectively.

#3: Very nice movie, and very sad. Appearing in this picture is my date, and myself, putting on our sad faces. We didn’t have to try very hard.

#4: How on earth did this movie get a Best Picture nomination?

#5: What? This is the movie that ends up winning Best Picture? It was good, and it was poignant, but it was not the best picture of the day.

Well there you have it! I had a lot of fun. I felt like it was a day well-spent. To celebrate, I came back to Lawrence and ate an entire loaf of uncooked bread from our local sandwich shop (it was a dare).


Anonymous said...

You Crack Me Up! :)

Anonymous said...

I saw only one of the 5 movies nominated for best picture, but I'm curious which comments go with each movie. You called them #1, #2, #3, etc....did I miss the titles or did you do that intentionally. No big deal - -just curious which was which.

razjericho said...

Ha. Good question. I originally had the titles up, but recently deleted them after considering the likelihood of non-adults reading the blog, and not wanting to appear to be endorsing a movie or two with questionable propriety.

I will divulge that There Will Be Blood, movie #2, was my favorite, and I thought it should have won Best Picture. It is a bit macabre though.

Anonymous said...

I suppose that I should have warned you prior to the uncooked bread thing, but I recall an episode of "Emergency" (circa 1974) where the engine company got a call to help a "slow" boy that has eaten a loaf of bread before it had risen. Needless to say it rose while in his stomach.

Anonymous said...

AAAH! You're so lucky. I would never have the time to watch 5 movies straight, even if I wanted to! There Will Be Blood was great, wasn't it? The only thing was that it ran a little big long.