Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Episode CXLIV: Slow and steady

Spring and Summer 2016 has been pretty slow and steady for Meg and me. No exotic vacations, no earth-shaking news. Instead it's been a slice of more-or-less normal life. For instance, here we are celebrating Meg's birthday with a brunch at our local Turkish bakery and cafe.

[See how happy she is??]

Here I am at work, posing with my experimental subjects. I took this photo for a work presentation to demonstrate the large number of worm strains I have generated. Each container fits around 30-40 different plates of worms, and each plate contains thousands of worms.

In a bit of dramatic news, I was hit by an SUV while biking to work (he ran a stop sign and "T-boned" me: I ended up on his hood/windshield). I was fortunate to wind up with only minor cuts and bruises. The bike got a little banged up, but amazingly enough, landed upright with its kickstand deployed.

In other news, my cousin Brock Pluimer moved into the next town over from us! He's here to do some research at a Harvard-affiliated research institute (MGH) for a year or two. Small world, huh? We did a bit of reconnaissance work for him and scoped out his potential apartment for him before he got here:

My sister turned 30 a couple months ago! I recorded her a birthday song. Here it is if you haven't seen it:

We took a quick trip out to Denver, Colorado to see Meg's brother get married, and Meg stayed on for the next week to see him graduate from his graduate school.

On my way back home I got to sit in first class thanks to a particularly generous credit card promotion:

 [My first first-class meal ever!]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I LOVE THE BIRTHDAY SONG!!!!!!!!! So fun and original, and very Alicia-ish! The Abe Lincoln look is very interesting! :) I'm sorry to hear about your terrible 'run in' with a car but happy to hear that you were 'shielded' from major harm. I remember how cozy the streets are in Cambridge and I'm sure it's 'smashingly' difficult being a bicycler as well as being the motorist next to the bicycler. I'm guessing that guy won't be 'accidently' rolling through anymore stop signs...hitting someone would certainly create a lasting emotional 'impact', I would think. Happy birthday to Meg! <3 Dennis and I are headed out to Missouri this Saturday to Kansas City and I'm hoping to be able to spend some quality time with Alicia while he is working. Should be fun! I hope you and Meg are doing well...miss and love you both.