Friday, June 30, 2017

Episode CLI: Meg's a Doctor

Meg just successfully defended her Ph.D.!

Both her parents and my parents were there to witness the event. My parents brought a sign to cheer her on.

After giving a public one hour presentation on her work at Harvard, the audience was asked to leave the room while her dissertation committee talked with her about her work. Below is exclusive behind-the-scenes footage of the process in action.

Afterward we did some celebrating with the families. We went to Maine and and learned how to do archery.

We also went to a place in the Boston area called Boda Borg, the first of its kind in the U.S. It's a pretty unique experience. Watch the first bit of this video for a better idea:

We also took some time out to get me my traditional biannual Mom-sponsored haircut. But in a dramatic deviation from tradition, it was done in my house instead of my parents' house.

So what's next? Meg is still putting the finishing touches on the publication of her paper detailing the results of her graduate work. I am doing some similar things to finish up my postdoc. Then in a few weeks, we're Texas-bound!

1 comment:

Brian Norris said...

Wow, you've been doing this blog for practically forever! In honor of your "CLI"-st post: