Saturday, October 13, 2018

Episode CLXII: Elliot's First Ever Birthday

Elliot just turned ONE YEAR OLD!

To celebrate, his grandparents came to visit. Here's everybody celebrating at Elliot's baby work (aka daycare).

 [That's his baby work boss in the back]

On the day of his birthday, Elliot's second cousins came over (the Sanchez family) and we all played at the park.

[Elliot "opening presents"]

 Most kids get to make a giant cake mess on their birthday. Well *my* son chose to make the world a cleaner place:


Elliot is really enjoying his new birthday toys. At first, however, his favorite part was sitting on the boxes they came in:

Later while my parents were still out, the WHOLE NORRIS CLAN went out and played tennis.

Happy Birthday sweet baby!

1 comment:

Deyon Shearer said...

So sweet! Happy birthday Elliot! Looks like it was fun :)