Tuesday, July 02, 2024

Episode CXCV: New Home

On April 6, 2024, we moved into our new home in Riverside, CA.

So far we're all very happy with the home. It is close to work/school, has huge yards, avocado trees, lots of space to play, and backs up onto a running/hiking trail along a canal. I guess the architectural style is Tudor Revival-ish, with nice high ceilings and an island vibe out back.

One of the family's favorite spots

Our backyard "river" (The Gage Canal)

Both kids have their own bedrooms, but spend most of the time in each other's

I was too lazy to take a bunch of new pictures of our house, so instead here are some professional photos from the agent who sold it to us. 

"What is your favorite part of our new home?"

Daddy: "The diving board"
Mommy: "So much storage, including a 2nd fridge"
Elliot: "A lot of fruits to eat off our trees"
Lydia: "The hill for racing balls on"

1 comment:

Ina Rhea Van Hulzen said...

Absolutely Awesome!!