Episode II part I (in which various travel times are related)

Above is a sample of the official Campus Map, which I have cropped to show the general south-west portion of campus- my stomping-ground. As you can hopefully see (and you can click on the image for a higher-resolution picture) most important things are relatively close. My residence (Jayhawker Towers) is circled in green; the closest, and perhaps most important, building is circled in yellow: this is Mrs. E's all-you-can-eat diner, which serves quite good food.
The blue-circled building is the music building where they have piano practice rooms (though I have only used them once), the reddish-circled building is Haworth hall, where all my Bio stuff is, the black circle contains the student gym (which is totally cool) and the brownish circle has the main library (which unfortunately is some distance away).
In case you are interested, here are some statistics on average time (t) it takes me to walk to these various locations (sample # n>5):
Mrs. E's: Five minutes and six seconds
Haworth Hall: Six minutes and fifty-two seconds
Music Building: Four minutes and one second
Library (roughly): Eleven minutes and thirty-three seconds
Gym (roughly): Seven minutes and twenty-seven seconds
Episode II part II (in which Missouri is visited)
I visited Lees Summit last weekend and although I forgot to take a picture of numerous relatives eating breakfast at IHOP, I did at least get a pic of some folks (including Jerry Bennet and his new bike).

Episode II part III (in which the author's life is endangered)
So the other night I went to the Lawrence Museum of History or whatnot to see a presentation on Bill Quantrill, a guy who, among other things, came to raid Lawrence during the Civil War and killed a bunch of innocent men and burned down the city.

thanks for the fun commentary; keep it coming; i still don't know how to get notified when you update this site
Adam, I am not anonymous! Craig here. You will be missed Sunday at vollyball.
I just read a great book on Quantrill. Bloody Dawn by Thomas Goodrich.
I can see you're already finding out how bad those Missouri folks can be.
Anonymous Adam wants Craig to know that plenty of those raiders were non-Missourian
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