Episode III, Part I: The Game
The first KU football game of the season! (I just had to buy season football/basketball tickets). I witnessed more school spirit in four minutes at Memorial Stadium than I had in four years at Cal State Fullerton (and we were 2004 baseball champs, mind you). Of course school spirit is nice, but after the second or third school chant and/or song of the night, I couldn't help comparing the scene to something one would observe at a Nazi party rally or such.
Below you will see a balding gentleman in the foreground of the picture. This guy wanted to kick Emery and me out of our "seats" (in quotation because the student section all stands on their seats). He went as far as to challenge me to a fight, although I respectfully declined. Also included is a picture of Emery and me at the game, and clearly, the guy would have been in trouble if we took him up on his offer.

The first KU football game of the season! (I just had to buy season football/basketball tickets). I witnessed more school spirit in four minutes at Memorial Stadium than I had in four years at Cal State Fullerton (and we were 2004 baseball champs, mind you). Of course school spirit is nice, but after the second or third school chant and/or song of the night, I couldn't help comparing the scene to something one would observe at a Nazi party rally or such.
Below you will see a balding gentleman in the foreground of the picture. This guy wanted to kick Emery and me out of our "seats" (in quotation because the student section all stands on their seats). He went as far as to challenge me to a fight, although I respectfully declined. Also included is a picture of Emery and me at the game, and clearly, the guy would have been in trouble if we took him up on his offer.

Incdentally, there were two items of further interest related to this scenario: first, we wound up finding some unoccupied seats in the non-student section which meant (a) we got to sit, and (b) we got to sit by the basketball team (below is a picture of Emery chilling with KU's starting point guard). Second, the very same balding guy wound up sitting right in front of us during the last few minutes of the game, at which time I snapped his picture. Once he realized I had taken a picture of him, he promptly challenged me to a fight.
And oh yeah, KU won 49-18.

Episode III, Part II: Iowa
After the game we drove straight to Iowa. Besides a few gas stations (which were generally closed) the thing that really struck me about Iowa was absolutely nothing.
I figure I should show some pictures of wildlife from Iowa, so below you will find Stephanie Moody riding a horse, and then Thomas Kuhn riding a horse (note the look in his eyes).

Extra Credit: Lecompton
On the ride back I happened upon this historic monument to Lecompton, former capital of Kansas Territory, current population: 600. Had Kansas become a slave state, Lecompton would have become the state capital; but as it was, the free-state folks gained power and chose Topeka as the new capital. And so it is today.

Hi Adam. I enjoyed reading your blog. I miss your sense of humor but I'm glad I can still "hear" it in your writing. Glad to see you are still causing trouble :-)!!!
hey buddy! sounds like you're havin fun in kansas...we missed u on sunday! we had another anaheim vs. la verne game...we won. HAHA! lol l8r!
luv ya
Causing trouble? You flatter me.
Yours truly.
Adam, after having inspected the photographs using my monocle and an old pair of tweezers I found in the dumpster behind the funeral home, I have determined that the one who REALLY wanted to fight you was the middle aged, white hat wearing lady in the upper left hand corner of the picture wherein Emery is clowning behind Brutus and his gal pal. Something to remember is that drunk folks are prone to unpredictably wield the sour disposition. Beware.
You are doing a fine job keeping us entertained with your adventures. Have fun and stay within the Spirit's guidance. Miss you, bud.
It seems like you were the better man by not escalating the violence (loudly saying to Emery “how come the effeminate guys get all the girls” might have been good bait. Steven may be right on the intoxicated thing, although if this guy heard you make the KU fan Nazi comparison, you may very well have deserved a couple of jabs!
I’m glad that you enjoyed the school spirit thing, just wait until basketball season, better the MU or K-State game.
Steven, you make an excellent point.
And Craig, no I did not reveal my observation to anyone there, but I was so bold as to wear my "CSUF Football- Undefeated since 1992" shirt.
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