There are four towers, with six or seven stories each, and maybe ten units per floor. Each unit consists of four rooms, including two bedrooms. Floorplans can be found here.
A guy I know who comes from
I don’t really consider them to be dorms, since they have two bedrooms, a bathroom, a living room and a kitchen; but I don’t consider them to be apartments either, since they are owned by the university and rent out by the school year. A friend insists that they are “townhouses.” I should note that while I requested the all-graduate tower, I was given the everybody-except-freshmen-allowed tower, with a graduate student as a roommate. Thus far things have worked just fine.

Here are a couple pictures of the bedroom, which I share with a guy from Ireland. The one thing you don't really see in the pictures is my bed.

The kitchen, which is a good thing to have, is at least in one way a step up from the Norris family kitchen: the broiler actually works.

Below is a picture of my tower (Tower D) with Tower C in the background. If you enlarge the picure by clicking on it you will see that I have circled the windows that belong to our rooms. Likewise on the picture at the top of this page, my room is the one on the top left (with the light on.) An interesting sidenote: my wireless headphones work all the way out to where I took these pictures, which means I can continue listening to the radio or TV or whatnot all the way across the street.

One interesting thing about living in the everyone-allowed dorms is that a number of athletes live in them. Particularly, it seems that football players like our tower. Here are side to side pictures of an athlete's living room (posted in the athletic museum) and our living room for you to compare and contrast. Note that the only everything in our living room (except the sound system) was brought by my suitemates and was already here before I even arrived.
My favorite interior design element of the place can be seen below. For some strange reason, every time you walk in the door you get this uncanny feeling that John Travolta and Samuel L. Jackson are pointing guns right at your mid-section.
Well that's all for now. I will update this after I get a couple more pictures, but for now, I leave you with a nice little view from our living room window.

Thanks for the pictures of the towers and your room. I still didn't see your roommates though; that's part of what I was waiting for!
Adam ... a view of the fieldhouse from your living room window? That is sweet!
And I thought I might leave you with a Lawrence tip: Joe's Donuts. They are a must. I hear they have changed hands, but have the same recipe.
All in good time Mom...
Craig, is there any chance Joe's Donuts is now called Joe's bakery?
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