First of all, thanks to all who participated in the inaugural Epic Ballade poll, and shame on all who did not. I was surprised that the vast majority of responders said “Hard Work” was the decisive factor in my improved sleep. Interesting- I would not have picked that myself as a first choice. Of course The Truth is not decided by democracy, but the poll was interesting and instructive nonetheless.

It is a good year to be a Jayhawk, or at the least a Jayhawk fan. The always-stellar basketball team is currently ranked #4 early in the season, and the football team, until today, was ranked #2 in the nation. Even after today’s (close) loss to #4
As I write these very words, I am in the town of
that meal looked really good. i like IHOP. hopefully it was good enough to make you forget that there was no one there to enjoy it with. (: at least you plan on coming out for christmas. i watched the football game, "terrible defense" is all i have to say.
The defense wasn't good, but not terrible; MU has one good offense. I would more say "missed field goals" and "interception in the endzone".
hey! we went to ihop this morning, and i almost got those pancakes!
When are you going to reveal the answer to your poll????
Well I put the basic result of the poll at the beginning of the post. If you want the graphic, send me an email at
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