(In which Adam complains about his busy life and broken camera)
I sure am behind schedule on these postings of mine. I would like to blame it all on my ‘busy’ schedule. I would also like to blame it all on the fact that I don’t have a good camera to use. It’s much more fun putting together a post when I can use good pictures (that weren’t taken six months ago when my camera last worked). This will be my last post of the year, and maybe I will have a new unbroken camera by the next time I post something. For now, here are some random items of interest:
It’s Lovely Weather…
For a sleigh ride! I have been quite satisfied that we have had excellent winter weather leading up to Christmas this year. Last year I don’t recall any snowfall before I left for
Since the time I polled you all regarding my newfound sound sleeping, I have come up with two additional ideas (besides the ones that you all brought up). The first observation is that I moved into my condo at the same time that I got a new queen-sized bed. Could my sound sleep be explained by something as simple as a comfy bed? The other idea is that moving into my condo roughly corresponded with the complete and utter cessation of Homework and Projects and Other General Busywork that would contribute to stress. This, I suppose, would go under the already-established category of “Peace of Mind”.
My Broken Camera
It is really a bummer that my camera is broken. It is especially a bummer because it seems to have decided to park itself right underneath my computer monitor in lab, so every time I use the computer, I am reminded that my camera is, in fact, broken. It is really a bummer.

I think your enthusiasm for the icy weather matches my own. I always found that my enthusiasm far exceeded that of most others around me who were blessed to experience it. Enjoy!
Good luck with the camera hinting. Hope it turns out well for you.
I agree. I was actually, literally, skipping down the sidewalk when it first started snowing. I admit it did feel a bit over-the-top.
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