Yes that's right: now that I am 25, I no longer am allowed to be on my dad's health insurance plan. Which, of course, means that I no longer have any health insurance. So, based on my mom's advice, I decided to go on a DANGEROUS spring break trip with some friends. We had to drive for 8-9 hours through the middle of the night and early morning...
... to make it to Denver, Colorado, where we spent two days skiing! And yes, I did ski some dangerous BLACK DIAMOND SLOPES (not shown) !!!
Also, we spent some time touring downtown Denver. We came across a large concrete area that explicitly indicated that swimming was prohibited...
...but I brazenly challenged the police to shoot me with rubber bullets, by SWIMMING IN IT ANYWAY!
Later, we went to the Denver Art Museum, which was an excellent museum. It had one my my favorite pieces of art, seen below, wherein I was attacked by no less than FOUR HUNGRY FOXES in restaurant gone mad.
After escaping that, we exited the museum, only to find that Rafael's car had been towed. Ouch! That costs an arm and a leg in Denver! This was probably the part of the trip that was the most dangerous, in fact. We arrived (3 hours later) at the impound place, where there was no building, no office, no lights, no nothing- just a chain wire fence, a ferocious dog and a 16-year old dressed up like a gangsta. We had to pay cash, no questions asked, and were frankly happy to get out with our lives (and our wallets [and our car]). Although, as we did have five men and a dog of our own, I drafted some mental contingency plans just in case we were forced to bust out of the place ourselves.
Later, Rafael and I went to a historic restaurant in Denver, where the dangerous things we ate included rattlesnake, alligator tail, and (don't ask) rocky mountain oysters. But we survived!
The final dangerous activity I chose to undertake during this spring-break-without-insurance was on the way back from skiing, when I boldly BROKE IN to Jurassic Park, where I posed with GIANT DINOSAURS!!! (or their foot prints anyway [don't worry it was legal]).
So yeah, I had a good time.
you risk taker you...
I'm glad you had a fun time on your break! You deserve it!
I'm wondering if you ate at the same place we did in Denver...there were taxidermied animals on every inch of wallspace...watching us while we ate the things you mentioned (not Rocky Mountain Oysters...I passed on those!) Very humiliating having your car towed...I can relate.
keep on enjoying yourself and making the most of your breaks!
love, Aunt Deyon
Yes! That's the exact same restaurant!
did they have a moose's rear end on the wall like on that job commercial? sounds like fun either way
the most dangerous part was definetly eating those rocky mountain oysters...
Kyle, I think the moose's rear end was in the kitchen. That's probably where they hang their utensils and stuff.
O.K. Mr. no insurance, I have to do this for your Grandmother. GET insurance. My last year in grad school during registration I had a moment of being frugal and did NOT check the little box for student health insurance, think it was like $10 at that time. So here I am married, in grad school and walking with Ilene one night and my knee comes apart. Off to surgery, finishing thesis and getting a job at Cal Poly. I was actually in California and started teaching at Cal Poly when the bill shows up (I had totally forgotten about the insurance issue). We had no extra money, no savings, caused a lot of stress that could have been avoided. Bottom line, you can get in huge debt with todays medical costs, one injury one serious illness and that is all it would take. So Alta and I say "GET INSURANCE"
Apoptosis rules.
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