Saturday, January 09, 2010

Episode LXXIV: Flying West for Winter

Once again I traveled home over the winter break to be with family and friends, and had an excellent time.

In addition to our traditional sibling games of Monopoly and Guitar Hero, we also had time to, among other things, put together a puzzle:

And play a rousing game of Risk:

We also went to an indoor Go Kart racing place (Look! It’s Mom in a race car!!)

Without a warm-up lap, I managed to not find the brake on time, and on my very first lap rammed full-speed into the barrier on a hairpin turn. The car slid under the barrier, cones and rubber tires, which pinned me into the car, and sandwiched my hand between the steering wheel and the barrier, so that I couldn’t move it. Needless to say, this was painful. But I suppose it counts as some sort of success to come home from a race with minor cuts and bruises, and a bit of whiplash.

The family also went up to the San Bernardino mountains for a while, where we did all sorts of exciting things, such as talking on our cell phones:

And playing Frisbee on a frozen lake!

I received many unique and interesting things for Christmas. Arguably the most unique and interesting came about because I used a fake online psychic-genie to predict what your loved ones would get you for Christmas. I typed Kyle’s name in, and it said “Kyle will get you a tattoo of Cher.” Lo and behold, I open up a Christmas present from Kyle a few weeks later, and look what I get!!!

(Don’t worry Grandma Shearer, it’s temporary)

Finally, it was time to go home. When I arrived at the airport, there was snow everywhere! The bed of my truck in fact had accumulated about a foot and a half of snow! And since I’ve been back, the weather has been just as bitter: another five or so inches of snow, and temps as low as -20 degrees Fahrenheit!


Kyle said...

haha, very nice. i liked our rousing game of risk and everyone talking on their phone (or camera) and the rest of it. thanks for visiting again
:{>------ (|0|)

razjericho said...


Kyle said...

good one. you should click on my name on the first comment

razjericho said...

That's disgusting!
