Of course, it seems like I just came back from California, and that is because I did! Myself and seven other Norrises went on a backpacking trip up the Sierra Nevadas, and a good time was had by all.

There was fresh, flowing water all around us due to the large amounts of snow and snowmelt everywhere, which led to some delicious drinking water, and some lovely sights.

On the way back we encountered some adventures (car troubles, a pair of elderly backpackers we picked up as hitchikers, and a stop at a gas station where a homeless woman attempted to steal my phone as it lie charging in an electrical socket.)

We did make it back in one piece, thankful to sleep on soft beds again, and I am currently back in The Midwest, preparing to move out of the condo, get married, go on a honeymoon, and start a new job in a new part of the country.
One question that now arises is this: what should be done with this blog? It is, after all, called An Epic Ballade of Kansas, and my tenure here is essentially over. So I am asking you, dear reader, what is best? Shall I continue to post my life's triumphs and tribulations on this site, or has the blog run its course? Please do send me your comments. With these and after looking at some viewership statistics, I will decide whether or not the blog will continue to be of interest. In fact, to make it really easy to respond, I have set up the poll below. Just check your answer, then hit Vote!
dear adam,
hello. i do not care what you call your possible continuation. if you do not feel like continuing with it i will survive. hopefully that was helpful feedback. see you soon!
I have enjoyed the Epic Ballade of Kansas. It has kept us Arizona Norrises informed about your escapades.
I think a new chapter (or named blog) would be a good idea as long as you think you have time to maintain it. After all, you'll have to tell about the wedding, the honeymoon, and your new experiences on the east coast. See you at the wedding!
I have two options:
To allow future growth and movement: "An Epic Ballade" or alternatively "An Epic Ballade of America."
However, based on your future location, maybe something more Thoreau like would be good. Being near Walden Pond (I highly recommend a visit there as soon as you can get there), how about "Ballade Walden." You could report in a detailed, Thoreau style about life in Massachusetts.
- Craig
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