Saturday, July 07, 2007

Episode XXIII: A Dietary Plan

Due to a number of factors, including my newfound proximity to a Burger King, as well as a generous gift of free Burger King coupons, I decided it would be a good idea to imitate Morgan Spurlock in Supersize Me, in that I would eat Burger King three meals a day for two weeks. I am happy to report that as I type this I am eating my very last BK breakfast. I have survived!

One kind of ironic thing about the whole pursuit is that Burger King has always been my least favorite fast food restaurant in the world, and I had not eaten there for perhaps as long as three years. However, now that I have eaten here about 42 times, I can tell you that Burger King is definitely my least favorite fast food restaurant in the world.

I wound up eating at four different BKs in two different states, and overall the buildings were clean and the service friendly. One kind of neat thing was that there were witty statements posted around the buildings and on the wrappers and containers, such as this one:

The funniest thing about this wrapper is that I can not imagine how anyone in their right mind would actually want to steal your BK hamburger.

And that is really the point: no matter how nice the staff is or how amusing the wrapping is, the food is still fourth-rate.

Anyhow, the diet plan seemed to work! Despite the fact that an average meal there comes out to pack about 1,100 calories (based on the nutritional information), I can claim this to be a successful diet plan, as I lost just over 2.5 pounds in only two weeks. Eat that Morgan Spurlock!


Anonymous said...

Although I share the opinion that BK food is fourth rate, I am disappointed in the lack of science in your research. I would think that a researcher such as yourself would have performed a two-week study of the competitors' cuisines, used multiple participants and other scientific methods.

Anonymous said...

You ate junk food for two weeks, at 1.1k calories per meal, and lost weight already *shakes fist* can you live on 1.1k calories??

Anonymous said...

What's so bad about Burger King? It's no FatBurger, that's for sure, but it's not that bad! Scrape off some of the mayo on the Whopper and it's pretty tasty. And the apple pie...yummy. But the fact that you actually LOST weight eating there isn't fair.

Anonymous said...

I have a few questions:

Did you new condo come with a kitchen?

Have you ever heard of a salad?

How can it be a "generous" gift, if BK is your least favorite fast food establishment? Could hte gift have been a cruel joke?

Isn't the whole wrapper thing a really cheap rip off of fortune cookies?

Is it true that the grill lines are painted on?

Anonymous said...

I find that a Burger King chicken strip is quite enjoyable when paired with Ranch dressing.

Nice work burning up those gift certificates ASAP. How many kids' meal toys did you wind up with?

Thanks for sharing your experiences as only you can, Adam.

razjericho said...

- This was in no way designed to be a scientific study

- That's 1.1k cals per meal = 3.3k per day

- The apple pie is not 'yummy'

- In a cosmic sense, the BK coupons were indeed a bitter irony

- I didn't even see any grill lines on my meat; it wasn't big enough

- Sadly, I had no kids meals coupons, otherwise I would have collected the entire Transformers set!