My oral exams lasted for three hours and five minutes. The majority of that time I was standing up. The experience was challenging and stressful, but also quite a bit of fun, and good for me. The upshot of it all is:
I passed.
I can now officially say that I am a doctoral candidate. I can now take a deep breath. I can now feel a bit of relaxation. I can now go back to being a normal person. Or however normal I am normally.
This picture is me a few hours after my passage. See that I am smiling? And relaxing? Also, please note the bed of flowers and halo of light surrounding my head.
Congratulations! I was thinking about you Friday, sending good vibes your way. ;-)
Congratulations! We knew you had it in you, and we can't wait to congratulate you in person!
We cheered for you at Grandma's on friday...hurray! Can't wait to see you next week at Shaver!!!!! :)
Way to go, Adam. My confidence in you has always proven to be justified.
Thanks all. I look forward to seeing every single person who has posted so far, in just a few days.
CONGRATS!!! I would expect nothing less from you!
Can't wait to see you next week.
CONGRATULATIONS, ADAM! Jenna and I prayed for you Thursday night to pass your orals! (especially after Dave Campbell talked to me last Sunday about his orals and almost forgetting some info...) We had every confidence...but still sent up a few prayers for ya! It was wonderful hearing your voice on the phone at Grandma's Friday. Too bad Jenna and I had to leave before you got out there. According to Jenna, we will see you at Christmas (she told everyone "see you at Christmas" when they left Grandma's Friday night). Have fun in California -- we did!!! Love you!
wooooh! soon you can rub it in alicia's face.
Good work. I can't say that I'm surprised. See you soon.
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